Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1461. Who is the author of “An Equal Music”?

Vikram Seth

1462. Who is the author of “The Bell Jar”?

Sylvia Plath

1463. The Boston Tea Party was in the year?


1464. Who said “I therefore want freedom immediately; this very night; before dawn if it can be had”?

Mahatma Gandhi

1465. Where are moist tropical evergreen forests found?

The Shillong plateau

1466. Who founded the "East India Association"?

Dadabhai Naoroji

1467. What does the special status of Jammu and Kashmir imply?

A separate Constitution

1468. Who is the author of Angels and Demons ?

George Orwell

1469. For the measurement of temperature of the order of 400°C; what will we prefer?


1470. The Travancore University was started on 1, November 1937 by?

Sri Chithirathirunal Maharaja


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