Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1611. By whom was 'Mitakshara', an authoritative treatise on Hindu law, written?


1612. Who is the inventor of Inert Gases (Argon; Neon; Helium etc)?


1613. What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics?


1614. When is World Intellectual Property Day; recognized by the UN is observed?


1615. After a no confidence motion is admitted to the Lok Sabha, who decides a date for the debate?

Lok Sabha Speaker

1616. Yakshaganam is the popular folk art of?


1617. The Earth turns through 360° in 24 hours. Howmuch time does Each 15° longitude represent?

One hour

1618. Who is considered as the father of printing?

John Guttenburg of Gennany

1619. Who is the author of ‘Life and Times’?


1620. Who is the author of Expanding Universe ?

Arthur Stanley Eddington


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