Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1651. Pollination takes place with the help of bird; what is called?


1652. Japanese style of flower arranging is known as ?


1653. Who is the author of the book ‘Glimpses of World History’ ?

Jawaharlal Nehru

1654. The acronym DBMS stands for what?

Data Based Management System

1655. India won the last Hockey Olympic Gold in which year ?

980 (B) Moscow

1656. Who was defeated at kannauj in the hands of Sher Shah in 1540?


1657. Who stated that there was no slavery in India ?


1658. Who established the first printing press in England in 1477?

William Caxton

1659. Why is In a hydel station the motion produced in turbines?

Due to the flow of water

1660. Under the Constitution, the residuary powers vest with which government?

Union Government


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