Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1741. Vitamin K is also called?


1742. Where are a large number of species are found within a small unit of area?

Wet evergreen equatorial forests

1743. Who is the author of the book "Nineteen Eighty Four"?

George Orwell

1744. The number of chambers in amphibians heart is ?


1745. Which is not an award given on the National Awards Day?

Vishwamitra Award

1746. BEG test is used to diagnose?

Brain Diseases

1747. Who is the inventor of Electrical Resistance?


1748. Who is the author of “One Hundred Years of Solitude”?

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

1749. Terms of economics; which recession occurring two times with a small gap in between?

Deep Recession

1750. What is a powerful eye irritant present in smog?

Sulphur dioxide


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