Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1771. Who is the author of “The man who killed Gandhi”?

Manohar Malgonkar

1772. Who is the author of In Light of lndia?

Octavia Paz

1773. Which Sikh Gurus started the Gurumukhi script ?

Guru Angad

1774. The celebrated novel "The Godfather" was authored by which person?

Mario puzo

1775. In India; in which sector was the co-operative movement initiated?

Agricultural credit

1776. Which is the first novel in Malayalam?

Kundalatha by Appu Nedungadi

1777. Where is the largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world located?


1778. In which country is the world"s highest hydel power project "Rongtong" located?


1779. Which is called ‘The Bible of Tamil Land’?


1780. Human Action was written by ?

Ludwig von Mises


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