Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1931. Maximum nutritive element aborbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal?

Small intestine

1932. In India, the concept of single citizenship is adopted from which country?


1933. The Currency of Oman?

Omani Rial

1934. CP-20-961; what is it ?

Malarial vaccine.

1935. In India, maximum number of newspapers are published which language?


1936. Which ecosystem covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?

Marine Ecosystem

1937. Human Genome Project (HGP) HGP was launched in ?


1938. Largest University Building?

University of Riyadh.; Saudi Arabia.

1939. PIIGS is the group of nations falling under which zone?

Euro zone

1940. Bengal’s Sorrow?

Damodar River


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