Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2271. First Judge; First Judge of a High Court?

Justice Syed Mehmood (Men); Anna Chandi(Women)

2272. Which hormone prepares the animal to fight or flight?


2273. Which pigment is found in the blood of earthworm?


2274. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?


2275. Who is the author of the book "My Country, My Life"?

L.K. Advani

2276. Through which Strait, does a tunnel connect the United Kingdom and France?

Strait of Dover

2277. The scientific name of Coconut is?

Cocos nucifera

2278. Who were considered constitutionalist within the Indian National Congress?

Satyamurty and K. M. Munshi

2279. Which is the largest library in the world?

United States Library of Congress

2280. Who is the author of “ Swami and Friends”?

R.K. Narayan


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