Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2271. Who gave the idea that originally there was only one continent called Pangea?


2272. The number of wives of which Mughal ruler ‘fell short even of the Quranic allowance of four’ ?


2273. The famous book" The Daughter of the East" is written by which woman?

Ms. Benazir Bhutto

2274. Who is the author of “The Crisis of India; ”?

Ronald Segal

2275. Which gland in human body enlarged due to goiter?


2276. Medicines are more effective, if they are used in which state?

Colloidal state

2277. Who is the author of Edward II ?

Christopher Marlowe

2278. London is on the bank of which River?


2279. Who is the author of “ Aana pooda”?

Vaikom Muhammed Basheer

2280. Which is the unit raised to protect the naval assets?

Sagar Prahari Bal


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