Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2281. Who is the inventor of Air-brake?

G e o r g e Westinghouse

2282. Which organ of the body is affected by Polio ?

Central nervous system

2283. Why does Kerosene oil rise up in the wick of lantern?

Because of surface tension

2284. The ruler which was not invited to join the confederacy to fight against Vijaynagar in the battle of Talikota?


2285. Which is the Asia's largest cinnamon estate?

Anjarakandy (Kannur)

2286. Who is the author of Invisible Man ?

H.G Wells

2287. Central Plantation crops research institute is in?


2288. Who is the inventor of Razor (Electric)?

Jacob Schick

2289. The Capital of Czechoslovakia?

Prague (Praha)

2290. Where was Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishnapilla born?

At Neyyattinkkara in Thriruvananthapuram.


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