Questions from Basic General Knowledge

291. Pheretima posthuma is scientific name of which animal?

Earth worm

292. Who is the author of Politics and Governance?

Bimal Jalan

293. Which ruler was known as Amitraghata, the 'destroyer of foes' ?


294. Who is considered as the father of the nation of Columbia?

Simon Bolivor

295. By which Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated?


296. Which was adopted from the Maurya dynasty in the emblem of Government of India?

Four lions

297. In which country is ‘Takla Makan’ desert situated?


298. Who is the author of “Patriot”?

Pearl S Buck

299. Father of Blood Circulation?


300. First Women Prime Minister (twice) (Sri Lanka) of a Country in the World?

Mrs. S. Bandaranaike


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