Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3491. Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice ?

Vitamin A

3492. Who is the author of “My Days”?

R.K. Narayan

3493. Indian sovereignity in sea extends upto how many nautical miles?


3494. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ the famous TV Serial; is based on a book written by which author?

Lewis Caroll

3495. Second largest gland in human body is?


3496. Which feature is the product of vulcancity ?


3497. The United Nations declared 2013 as which International Year?


3498. Largest Open University?

Indira Gandhi National Open University; New Delhi.

3499. With which India"s progress has been reasonably satisfactory in connection?

Growth of GNP

3500. Who was the first Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission of India?

Shri V. T. Krishnamachari


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