Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3501. Which are the first Indian to swim across English Channel?

Mihir Sen

3502. Who is the author of “ Marthanda Varma “?

CV Raman Pillai

3503. What is the Mode of transmission of heat in which heat carried by a moving particles?


3504. A "flower bud" which is uses as a spice is obtained from which plant?


3505. Who was the owner of "Swadesha bhimani”?

Vakkam Abdul Khadir Maulavi

3506. Blue litmus paper is converted into red in solution of which thing?


3507. The United Nations declared 2009 as which International Year?


3508. The Currency of Syria?

Syrian Pound Dinar

3509. Meghnad Saha is known for his contribution in which field?


3510. Who is the author of “First Among Equals”?

Jeffrey Archer


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