Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3581. Who is the author of “Eternal India”?

Indira Gandhi

3582. The scientific name of Rice is?

Oryza Sativa

3583. Under which climatic conditions do the laterite soils develop?

Wet tropical climate

3584. Most of hydrocarbons from petroleum are obtained by which method?

Fractional distillation

3585. College of Military Engineering is located at?

Kirkee; Pune (Maharashtra).

3586. Which film directed by Adoor Gopalakrishnan won the British Film Institute, award?

Elippathayam (1981)

3587. Who is the author of “ An Equal Music”?

Vikram Seth

3588. Pythagoras who made great contributions in Geometry belongs to?


3589. Who was the first MaIayalee President of Singapore?

Devan Nair

3590. What is the minimum age for being the member of the Parliament?

25 years


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