Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3591. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?


3592. Which is the biggest lake in India?

Chilka Lake

3593. The cell with longest lifespan in our body is ?

Nerve Cell

3594. ..............planthormoneisknownas stresshormone?

Abscisic acid

3595. The Dutch palace or Mattancherry palace was built by?

e Portuguese (presented to the Raja of Cochin (B)

3596. Plant physiology is the study of ?

Life functions of plants

3597. Where are red blood corpuscles formed?

In bone marrow

3598. Who is known as Maid of Orleans ?

Joan of Arc

3599. In human beings, What is the opening of the stomach into the small Intestine called?


3600. Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?

Saddle Peak


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