3641. Who is the inventor of Tuberculosis bacilli?
Robert Koch
3642. First British Prime Minister to visit India?
Harold Macmillan
3643. Who wrote the screen play and songs for ‘Balan’, the first talkie in malayalam?
Muthukulam Raghavan Pillai
3644. The writer of Mahabhasya ‘Patanjali’ was a contemporary of which ruler?
Pushyamitra Sunga
3645. A crossed cheque is one; which can be encashed only at which bank?
State Bank of India
3646. Which primate is nearest to modern man ?
3647. Ministers in a State get salaries, by whom is it as determined?
State Legislature
3648. In which district; have large reserves of diamond-bearing kimberlite been discovered in the recent past?
3649. After howmany years is Election of Rajya Sabha held?
3650. What is the sum total of incomes received for the services of labour, land or capital in a country?
National income