Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3651. Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

3652. Inside the body; why does blood not coagulate?

Due to the presence of heparin

3653. Who were the first to issue gold coins?

Indo Greeks

3654. Wellington Trophy is associated with?


3655. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets; coasters and dredgers?

Garden Reach Shipyard

3656. Because of which factor, clouds do not precipitate in deserts?

Low humidity

3657. Who is the creator of the famous character “James Bond”

Ian Fleming

3658. Which is called "The Bible of Tamil Land"?


3659. How is the Relative humidity of the atmosphere directly affected?

Change in atmospheric temperature

3660. The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the which place?



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