Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3671. Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman"s capsule?

Afferent arteriole

3672. When ice melts into water, which type of change occurs in entropy?


3673. Who is the author of Imaging India?

Nandan Nilekani

3674. In baseball, the two opposing teams consist of howmany players?

9 players each

3675. Who is the author of “Pratham Pratishruti”?

Ashapurna Devi

3676. During adiabatic compression of a gas, what is the its temperature?


3677. What is the main constituent of vinegar?

Acetic acid

3678. What is the minimum age for being the member of the Parliament?

25 years

3679. The scientific name of Sparrow is?

Passer domesticus

3680. Quick Mail Service was started in?



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