Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3691. Which National Highway connects Chennai and Visakhapatnarn?

NH 5

3692. Who is the author of “ Scholar Extraordinary”?

Nirad C. Chauduri

3693. In ‘March 1925; who was elected as the President of the Central Legislative Assembly?

Vithalbhai Patel

3694. Who is the author of “Indian Philosophy; ”?

Dr. S.Radhakrishnan

3695. Which is the most southerly test match grounds of England?

The Lords

3696. The hormone which helps in flowering of plants?


3697. Who is the author of “Interpreter of Maladies”?

Jumpa Lahiri

3698. Who was the wife of Prophet Muhammed?


3699. Who was the first Engish person who visited the court of Akbar?

Ralph Fitch

3700. The Currency of Netherlands?



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