Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3701. Who is the author of She Stoops to Conquer ?

Oliver Goldsmith

3702. Which missionary is the author of Puthanpana Chaturasyam?

Amosu Pathiri

3703. Which are the The best and the poorest conductors of heat respectively?

Silver (Ag); and lead (Pb)

3704. The Laxman Era was started (in 1119 AD) by which dynasty?


3705. The Republic of China was formed in ?


3706. Who is the author of The Mayor of Caster Bridge?

Thomas Hardy

3707. Who is the author of “Wuthering Heights”?

Emily Bronte

3708. The Peasants Revolt in England was in ?


3709. The only district in Kerala where Tobacco is cultivated?


3710. Highest Straight?

Bhakra Nangal on river Sutlej


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