Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3881. What is the dense mass of small water drops on smoke particles in the lower layers of the atmosphere?


3882. The term of American President is ?

Four years

3883. The Treaty of Paris in 1856 ended which war?

The Crimean war

3884. Which reservoir is constructed on Chambal?

Gandhi Sagar

3885. What is the outermost layer of Sun called?


3886. Plant and animal living in a particular area; what is it called?


3887. The US decision to intervene in the ……….may be considered as formally ushering in-of the Cold War?

Greek Civil War

3888. Who is the author of “Pair of Blue Eyes”?

Thomas Hardy

3889. The scientific name of Whale is?

Balaenoptera indica

3890. To which group do the tribals of central and southern India belong?



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