Questions from Basic General Knowledge

3911. Who is the author of “Divine Comedy”?

A Dante

3912. Who is the author of “Vendor of Sweets”?


3913. Remedy for Myopia also known as near sightness or short sightness. is to use ?

Concave lens

3914. Which king of the Gupta Dynasty was called the’ Napolean of India’?


3915. By which ruler was the practice of military governorship first introduced in India?


3916. Who has the final power to maintain order within the House of People?


3917. Where is the headquarters of East African Development Bank?


3918. Which boundary line separates India and China ?

Mc Mohan Line

3919. What is Anosmia?

Loss of the sense of smell

3920. Which was the first English ship that came to India?

Red Dragon


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