Questions from Basic General Knowledge

651. Which is the highest mount in Japan?

Mount Fujiyama

652. Who were the leaders of Guruvayur Sathyagraha ?

K. Kelappan and A.K. Gopalan

653. Communist Manifesto was written by ?

Karl Marx and Fredrik Engels

654. Who followed the policy of "masterly inactivity" towards Afghanistan?

Sir John Lawrence

655. From where was the term ‘Congress’ derived?

The History of North America

656. Which State shares boundaries with the maximum number of other States of India?


657. National Bird of India?


658. Who is the author of Whispers of the Desert ?

Fatima Bhutt

659. Which is not a landform; which results due to rejuvenation of a river?

Oxbow lake

660. To whom was the title 'Devanam Priya' given?



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