Questions from Basic General Knowledge

81. What is the name the President of India who was elected unopposed?

Dr. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy

82. The Ruhr-Westphalia region is a famous industrial region of which country?


83. Which country has won women’s World Cup Kabaddi?


84. Who is the author of Kumara Sambhava ?


85. Which is the cultural centre in Bahrain started by The Kerala Sangeetha Nataka academy?

eraleeya Samajam October 1 (B) 2010

86. Who was the first speaker of the Lok Sabha?


87. Who is the Winner of 1st Jnanapith award “?

G. Sankara Kurup (for Odakuzhal)

88. Which detective dies in The Final Problem ?

Sherlock Holmes

89. Who is the author of the book “Termites in the Trading system”?

Jagdish Bhagwati

90. Who is the author of International Working Glass Movement ?

Sukomal Sen


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