Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1101. Which country makes maximum use of the geothermal energy?


1102. Buenos Aires is on the bank of which River?

La Plata

1103. By whom is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected?

All the members of Lok Sabha

1104. Who was not a contemporary of the 'Other three?


1105. Which country has hosted the Asian Games for maximum number of times?


1106. Who is the author of “Sopanam”?

Balamani Amma

1107. Who is the author of “ The Golden Gate”?

Vikram Seth

1108. Who is the author of Indian Muslims ?

Prof Mohammed Mujeeb

1109. Which one of the Chola kings conquered Ceylon (Sinhal) first?

Rajaraja I

1110. Which is not a landform, which results due to rejuvenation of a river?

Oxbow lake


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