Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1111. Who was the director of Chemmeen (1965)?

Ramu Kariat

1112. Which was the first English School in Kerala?

Mattancheri School

1113. Mostly inh which form was the literature of the Sangam Age written?

Poetry form

1114. The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of which law?

Pascal’s law

1115. Where was the sepoys revolted openly in 1857?


1116. Who is the creator of the famous character “Alice”

Lewis Carroll

1117. Where is the head-office of the World Council of Churches?


1118. J.R.D. Tata was the first to make a solo flight from Mumbai to Karachi; in the year?


1119. Which river crosses the Equator twice?


1120. Among Indian Economists who had done pioneering work on National Income ?

V. K. R. V. Rao


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