Questions from Basic General Knowledge

12431. Which is the sweetest natural sugar?


12432. MAN stands for ?

Metropolitan Area Network

12433. The Rajatarangini by Kalhana "is Sanskrit verse, when was it written?

12th century A.D.

12434. For television broadcasting; what frequency is employed normally?

30 – 300 MHz

12435. Of the floating iceberg in the sea, how much is the portion remaining above the sea level?

1 /10th

12436. Who is the pro-chancellor of the Universities in Kerala?

The Education Minister

12437. Who is the author of Long Walk to Freedom ?

Nelson Mandela

12438. Who is the author of “A Village by the Sea”?

Anita Desai

12439. Which was a novelty in Shah Jahan"s buildings?

Makrana marble

12440. Which are the Chemicals having profound effect on growth and development?

Phyto hormones


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