Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1261. Father of tragic dramas?


1262. Who is the author of The First Person ?

Vladimir Putin

1263. Which is the source of information about early Vedic period?


1264. Chinese call Mandarin language as?

'Putoghua' (Common language)

1265. Which commission recommended the decentralisation system?

Balwant Rai Mehta

1266. What is distance between the Earth and the Sun (in million kms.)?


1267. Which group have quantities that do not have the same dimension?

Force; Impulse

1268. Who was the contemporary of Velu Thampi Dalawa who revolted against the British in Cochin?

Paliyat Achan; Diwan of Cochin Raja

1269. The scientific name of Apple is?

Malus Sylvestris

1270. Which tissue help in keeping the body warm?

Fatty tissue


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