Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1281. Who is the creator of the famous character Emma Woodhouse?

Jane Austen

1282. Education was made without caste discrimination and free in Travancore in?


1283. Largest School?

South Point High School; Kolkata; India.

1284. Which is a programme that converts high level language to machine language?


1285. Which is categorized as millet?


1286. Central Mining Research Station is located at?

Dhanbad (Bihar).

1287. Which is adapted to grow in dry places?


1288. Who is associated with the coinage of the name ‘United Nations’ ?

Franklin Roosevelt

1289. Yondieki who set up a new world record in 10;000 meters race; belongs to which country?


1290. The supporters of Nazi Party were known as ?

Sturn Abteilung or 'Brown Shirts'


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