Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1291. What is a mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

Gun powder

1292. Kurnool-Cuddapah canal is taken off from which river?


1293. By whom was Neutron discovered?


1294. By whom was ltmad-ud-daula’s tomb at Agra was built?

Nur Jahan

1295. Who was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha?

Vardhaman Mahavira

1296. In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?


1297. Which is the State with the largest area under waste land?

Jammu and Kashmir

1298. Who contributed the Chalukya in Western India?


1299. A.T.P (Adenosine Tri phosphate) synthesise is the function of?


1300. Bharat Ophthalmic Glass Limited is located at?

Kolkata; (West Bengal).


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