Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1521. By using which technique, is DNA fingerprint done?

Southern Blotting

1522. Which is not electromagnetic in nature?

Cathode rays

1523. Who is the only person to hold the office of MLA; MP; Speaker; Minister; Deputy Chief Minister and Chief Minister?

C.H. Muhammad Koya.

1524. Which climate best suited for horticulture?


1525. Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee was formed in ?


1526. After independence on which date the High Court of Travancore- Cochin was inaugurated with its seat at Ernakulam?

7th of July 1949

1527. Which is the brightest planet?


1528. What is responsible for blue body syndrone?


1529. Who is the inventor of T.N.T. (high explosive)?

Will Brand

1530. Garden City?



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