Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1531. First Woman Prime Minister of India?

Mrs. Indira Gandhi

1532. Which is the eastern boundary of Kerala?

The Sahyadris

1533. In the history of computer the fifth generation was started in ?


1534. When is a volcanic eruption most likely to be violent?

When the lava is viscous

1535. Who is the author of “The Metamorphosis”?

Franz Kafka

1536. Who is the author of “My Presedential Years”?

R. Venkatraman

1537. Radcliffe Line separates?

India and Pakistan

1538. Which was the first school for girls in South India?

Holly Angles Convent started in 1880 in Thiruvananthapuram

1539. 4 bits =?


1540. Regarding the atom of a chemical element; magnetic quantum number refers?



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