Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1551. Who is the author of Alchemist ?

Paulo Caulo

1552. Which was a gold coin of ancient Kerala believed to have been introduced by Parasurama. ?


1553. Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in which from?


1554. During the reign of Emperor Akbar, who where the famous men Haribans, Mukund and Daswant?


1555. Which was the first woman to climb Mount Everest?

Junko Tabei

1556. When did the British Govt. start ruling India directly?

After Sepoy Mutiny

1557. Where is the The headquarter of World Trade Organisation?


1558. Name of French currency is?


1559. Central Marine Research Institute is located in?


1560. Among Indian Economists who had done pioneering work on National Income?

V. K. R. V. Rao


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