Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1561. Which woman has become the highest individual scorer in an innings in Tests?

Kiran Baloch

1562. First man to reach North Pole?

Robert Peary

1563. What is the period of revolution of a geostationary satellite?

24 hours

1564. Which is Kerala's first literary magazine?

Vidya Vilasini (in 1881)

1565. By whom were India’s famous Peacock Throne and the diamond Koh-e-Noor taken away?

Nadir Shah

1566. Chin ruler Shih Hwangti was responsible for the construction of the Great Wall of China to prevent the ?

Huna invasion

1567. Who is the author of “Worshipping False Gods”?

Arun Shourie

1568. Who was the first Indian to become the member of British Parliament?

Dadabhai Naoroji

1569. Which is nuclear-capable submarine-launched ballistic missile?


1570. The Capital of Luxembourg?



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