Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1511. What is the aim of Operation Blackboard?

Promoting adult literacy

1512. In which year Nelson Mandela sworn in as the first black President of South Africa?


1513. Who is the author of “Spanish Tragedy”?

Thomas Kyd

1514. Who is the author of “Eternal Himalayas”?


1515. Alexander died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at ?


1516. Who was the ruler of Chittor, when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D.?

Rana Ratan Singh

1517. Who is the author of “ A Suitable Boy”?

Vikram Seth

1518. Ancient religion of Japan?


1519. National Institute of Community Development is located at?

Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh).

1520. Punalur Plywood Factory was started during the period of?

Sri Chitra Thirunal.


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