Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1501. Which rocks is transformed into marble?


1502. Why is Sher Shah is well known for his administrative skill;?

Land revenue system

1503. Who is the author of Essays for Poor to the Rich ?

JohnKenneth Galbraith

1504. Who is the author of Mother India?

Katherine Mayo

1505. Central Scientific Instruments Organisation is located at?

Chandigarh (Chandigarh).

1506. The Capital of Germany (United)?


1507. An account of a memorable experience is known as?


1508. Who is the author of “ Odayil Ninnu “?

P. Kesava Dev

1509. In which year was Vande Mataram first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress?


1510. Iris has no pigment in which people?

Blue-eyed people


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