Questions from Basic General Knowledge

1491. Which part of the pitcher plant becomes modified into a pitcher?


1492. Who is the author of Future Shock?

Alvin Toffler

1493. Which region is the world’s best cod-fishing ground?

North-east Atlantic

1494. In which schedule is the list of items which may be entrusted to the Panchayats given?

Eleventh Schedule

1495. Which organ of UNO is considered as world parliament?

General Assembly

1496. By whom was the famous book Geet Govind written?


1497. What is the largest ecosystem of the Earth?


1498. In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located?

Sutlej valley

1499. With which field is Begum Akhtar associated?

Vocal Music

1500. Lichens and Mosses are characteristic vegetation of which zone?

The polar zone


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