Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2161. Who is the author of A Gift of Wings ?

Shanti Gopalan

2162. By which method is the age of most ancient geological formations estimated?

C4 method

2163. Who is the author of Oliver Twist?

Charles Dickens

2164. By which algae is Nitrogen fixation done?

Blue-green algae

2165. What is termed as the period of high inflation and low economic growth?


2166. CT Scanning (Computed Tomographic Scanning) - Developed by ?

Godfrey Hounsfield in 1968(Nobel Prize in 1979)

2167. Which of the element of group 17 is radioactive?


2168. Olympic Games after 4th century AD Restarted (Under IOC) from which year?


2169. Who is the longest serving Chief Minister in India?

Jyoti Basu

2170. Longest Rail Tunnel?

Bombay-Pune route


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