Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2161. Who is the author of “ Rathrimazha “?


2162. Who is the inventor of Cells in the plants?

Robert Hooke

2163. First Telephone service was started at Kolkata in?


2164. Who is the author of “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?

Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)

2165. One astronomical unit is the average distance between which bodies?

Earth and the Sun

2166. Who is the author of “Chandalabhikshuki.”?


2167. Which is known as the first Sankrit news paper?


2168. Who is the author of Naked Triangle ?

Balwant Gargi

2169. Foot-and-Mouth disease in animals; a current epidemic in some parts of the world; By which is this caused?


2170. Where did Chatampi Swamikal attained Samadhi?

At Panmana in Kollam district.


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