Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2251. Who is the author of “Shadow from Ladakh”?

B h a b a n i Bhattacharya

2252. The biggest crisis of the early stage of Cold War was the Berlin Blockade which began in ?


2253. Sound become hazardous noise pollution at which level?

Above 80 dB

2254. Who is the author of “Northanger Abbey”?

Jane Austen

2255. When did the last female Alpine ibex disappear in France?


2256. Sigmond Freud belongs to which country?


2257. When the Vice-President acts as President he gets the emoluments of which post?


2258. What was the name of the learned lady who is said to have debated with the famous law-giver Yajnavalkya?


2259. Who is the author of ‘My Struggle’?


2260. Who is the author of Wings of Fire ?

A.PJ. Abdul Kalam


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