Questions from Basic General Knowledge

2251. The Capital of Armenia?


2252. Who is the author of “Childhood”?

Maxim Gorky

2253. What is the best means of saving during inflation?


2254. Beighton Cup is associated with?

Hockey (Calcutta)

2255. By whom is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected?

All the members of Lok Sabha

2256. Where are the oceanic current named as "Kuroshio, Kurile and Alaskan" located?

North Pacific Ocean

2257. Central Marine Research Station is located at?

Chennai (Tamil Nadu).

2258. Capital of Arab Empire during the Abbsasid rule?


2259. How many moles are there is 140 g of Si (atomic mass of silicon is 28)?


2260. Where can the report of the UPSC discussed?

In Parliament before being accepted


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