Questions from Basic General Knowledge

21. Who is the author of “Vedic Stories”?

Mira Nair

22. Who wrote the poem, Subh-e Azadi?

Faiz Ahmed Faiz

23. When it is 12:00 noon in India, what would be the time in San Francisco (USA)?

8 : 30 p.m. of previous day

24. Sericulture is?

Rearing of silk worms.

25. What is the only creature born with horns?


26. Copper gets its name from which Mediterranean country?

Cyprus where it was

27. Which what is necessary for digestion of food?


28. Who was the founder of Boys Scout and Civil Guide?

Baden Powell

29. What is myrmecology the study of?


30. With reference to Indian freedom struggle which event occurred earliest?

Lucknow Pact


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