Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4091. The "Cannes Award" is given for excellence in which field?


4092. The States Reorganisation Act created how many States and Union Territories?

14 and 6

4093. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, which is the smallest particle which can exist independently?

An atom

4094. Why are Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria famous?

For glass industry

4095. The first computer magazine 'Computers and Automation' first published by ?

Edmund Berkely in 1950.

4096. Who is the author of All the Presidents Men. ?

Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

4097. The Capital of Romania?


4098. Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer ?

Biopsy test

4099. Who is the author of “The Accompanist”?

Anita Desai

4100. The condition when haemoglobin content of the blood falls below normal is termed?



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