Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4081. What is Residual hill in the desert region?


4082. Who wrote The Last Temptation of Christ?

Nikos Kazantzakis

4083. Who is the author of Story of My Life ?

Moshe Dayan

4084. For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, what can the Supreme Court do?

It may issue a writ

4085. Dhyan Chand Trophy is associated with?


4086. By whom was the Indian Independence League set up?

Ras Behari Bose

4087. During which reign was Kalidasa lived?

Chandragupta II

4088. Who is the author of "Vedadikara Nirupanam'?

Chatampi Swamikal

4089. Who was the editor of the "Swadesha bhimani"?

K. Ramakrishna PiIlai

4090. "Juliet; Miranda; Othello;"



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