Questions from Basic General Knowledge

4101. Who was the first Speaker of Kerala Legislative Assembly?

R. Sankara Narayana Thampi

4102. Which first woman to become a Chief Minister of any State in India?

Sucheta Kripalani

4103. Palaeobotany is the branch of botany; what do we study about in this branch?

Plant fossils

4104. In which year the Construction of Anjengo fort started?


4105. Who is the author of “Impossible Allies”?

C. Raja Mohan

4106. Which was a Pala Ruler who was raised to the throne by different sections of people?


4107. Simputer was discovered by ?

Vinay Despandey

4108. Who is the author of “Les Miserables”?

Victor Hugo

4109. When can the salaries of High Court judges be reduced?

During a Financial Emergency

4110. Who is the author of “Universe Around Us”?

James Jeans


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