Questions from Basic General Knowledge

941. Where is the speed of rotation of the earth highest?

Along the Equator

942. Who is the author of "My Early Life”?


943. Who is the author of “Agni Veena”?

Kazi Nazrul Islam

944. Which is the most intelligent ape?


945. Greek civilization was also known as ?

Hellenistic Civilization

946. Tansen Samman has been instituted by the Government of which state?

Madhya Pradesh

947. …is one of the largest sea birds with a wing span of 80 to 125 inches.?


948. Who is the inventor of Atom-breaking up the nucleus?


949. At where do the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats meet?

Nilgiri Hills

950. At the beginning of the twentieth century, who published ‘The Economic: History of India’ ?

Romesh Chandra Dutt


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